Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Bloggeroid: An Awesome Application

Do you know this application already guys? If not, Bloggeroid is a awesome android application for blogger/blogspot users that we can post and update on our blogsite and that we can blogged on the go whenever we are and whatever we do?

This application is so helpful to me because I don't need to open my browser and not need to log-in on my blogger account to just updated and to make a post on all my blogsites. On bloggeroid once you download and installed it on your gadget, smartphone or tablet, you can used it immediately and also you can start to create your blog post of the day and publish it directly on your own blog without hustle.

Bloggeroid is the best and the eady way to blogged and this is for all owners and to those nlogger who have a blog in and powered by blogger.com users only. This application is now available in google play store and you can download it there too. Just search this application and that's it.

This is not my first time to used and to download this apps. I used it already a long long time ago, year back of 2012. And now, I back and moved all my blogs here at blogger.com at the third time, idecide to download and used this apps again. And I tell you know guys, that this post of mine tonight is posted and created via bloggeroid.

It's so easy to used guys, I save my time now because of this apps. And I share this apps via this post of mine tonight and I recommend this application to all blogger.com users. Try this apps, and start now to save your time too, like me.


FX777222999 said...

Such an amazing apps for bloggers and am sure it helps a lot. I'll try checking this apps, and try if i can. Really awesome to know nowadays that you can do a lot of things in a gadget on-the-go.

Michelle said...

I had no idea about this apps,thanks for sharing.

Franc said...

Bloggeroid definitely makes blogging easier. Now you can do your post faster.

BeautyDrugs said...

I really wanna download it. As for blog posting I rely on my laptop. It has make easier yaya

Unknown said...

Never knew such an app existed. I will definitely try it. Thanks Rhoze


Loudthinkin said...

That's very useful information...I am downloading the app now :)

Sophie Middleton said...

This is very informative - We need more sources to connect each other to blogging applications and people's sites. Bloglovin is good but doesn't connect people enough

Franc said...

You can now blog in real time with bloggeroid.

FX777222999 said...

Another useful apps for android and it's for blogger platform. Easy for you to post, then, awesome.

Eng Tinkham said...

WIll have this app on my phone as soon as I created blogspot. Thank you for the great idea!

FX777222999 said...

I'm wondering why, there's no comment over this article when In fact, I commented for how many times now. May I know why? Or your not approving it until now? Just asking. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Wow I didnt know that such app exists! Before, I tried to install blogger to my phone, and it was not working properly.. Maybe I can try this one :)

Franc said...

It's nice that it's easy use as that's a big plus for apps.

Roch said...

I think it would be nice if bloggers also have bluetooth keyboards to pair with their gadgets (phones, tablet PCs) so that they can blog easier wherever and whenever. With the use of Bloggeroid, blogging will be done more with convenience.

AdoboMoto said...

Nice find, does Bloggeroid support offline saving to your device if your connected to internet.

Bhuboy said...

Is this available in apple Ipad too?

RANE said...

First Follower :-) I've never heard of this app but it seems worth the try. This will be great for my new hectic Blogging schedule... Thanks for sharing

Suzanne said...

It is great to learn about all the options that are available for blogs that are not just on the platform you already use. It helps us make more informed choices should we ever need to change.

Eliz Frank said...

I have this app but have only tried to use it once. I felt somewhat limited and will take another look at it.

papaleng said...

Thanks for sharing. This is my first time to hear about Bloggeroid. The way you describe the app and how it helps you with your blogging activities, I am now tempted to try this out.

Little Clouds of Thought said...

I was looking for an app to blog while on the move. Will definitely check this out. Thanks!

cre8tone said...

This is the first time I ever heard of this application. It sounds interesting and definitely would love to try it out!

Sherry said...

this is new for me, I didn't know until you blog it. Thanks for sharing.

BeautyDrugs said...

I am surely gonna install in on my smartphone. I always access my laptop to post blog post. Very informative post.

Unknown said...

Hey I did not know of such an app. Can I use it for Wordpress blogs too? Do let me know positively. Great information!! Thanks

d said...

this article is so meaningful, i like this post because it show's to make your time short for using this app. i will try this app to save my time :)

FX777222999 said...

This is the fourh time that I commented on this post, but maybe you're not publishing it. Still no comment here. For bloggeroid, it's good.

Unknown said...

That's too bad. I'm not on Blogspot so using Bloggeroid won't really help me. I hope the developers make something compatible with other platforms.

Jessie said...

I will have to check it out. Anything to make blogging easier is good.

Sin Yee said...

Thanks for sharing this app. I have downloaded and try, but since I am not using blogger, I can't use it to update my blog. too bad..

Unknown said...

Aw, it's for Blogger.com, and I'm using wordpress! Haha, but it's good news for you I bet! Thanks for the great info!

Unknown said...

Wow amazing , I have to download bloggeroid now. I sometimes make posts on my android but from chrome and it seems so hard ,bloggeroid must be easier

Franc said...

You could also do real time updates with bloggeroid. It's much easier following your posts.

Anonymous said...

awww...it's only for androids? :/

Denisa Engelen said...

thank you for sharing this app , I'm looking in to it right now :)

Unknown said...

OMG! I got excited about this! I never heard of Bloggeroid till now! :)

Unknown said...

I love apps din but I'm more comfortable blogging in my laptop. Maybe if I have a tablet I'd just used that for blogging. Hehe

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